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How to improve work/life balance

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While taking a glance at the past few years, there was a distinctive time for
work and time not meant for work. In the 21st century, the distinction is not so
clear. The internet has bridged billions of people together and has us
connected 24 hours a day and taking work home is the norm.

Every positive aspect has a negative side too. If working from anywhere is not
balanced well, this constant creep of work into our personal lives can increase
our stress and undermine our happiness. Urgent work distraction over
important life moments may make the person lonelier. Finding that work-life
balance when you work from anywhere is something that comes with time. But
working from anywhere, still has a lot of benefits and being the best choice,
here are some tips to improve work-life balance:

    Try to stick on a schedule by creating it

    If you have the ability to work from anywhere, it might feel like you have to be
    available anytime. But if you’re working on a schedule other than the rest of
    your team, this flexibility can sometimes lead to a lack of work-life balance.

    So if you’re working remotely, it is better to set up a schedule and follow it.
    This will be for your sense of work-life balance as well as your team. By doing
    this your team will be aware of when they can and cannot reach you. This will
    assist you to schedule your personal activities during your day outside of
    work. Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day makes you
    more productive, and work a manageable number of hours.

    Stop checking work emails from bed

    Make sure to leave that phone in the living room, far from your bed even
    though it is a phone that your company has provided you or if you have a
    separate phone for client work.
    To achieve that perfect balance of work and life, treat your bedroom as a
    place where you live, not where you work.

    Utilise the communication tools to mark your online and offline hours

    After setting up a schedule that makes sense for you and your team, use
    various tools to publicise that schedule so your team members in other
    locations and time zones are mindful and respectful of that time.

    It is better to set up your Slack availability so you don’t get any notifications
    before or after a specific time of day. Indicate your working hours on Google
    Calendar. This will help in automatically declining events taking place other
    than of your daily schedule. Your coworkers will be more mindful of your
    personal time, by publicising your hours, and may send you an email or
    schedule a meeting with you rather than sending you a barrage of Slacks
    early in the morning or in the middle of the night where you’re working.

    Set up a home office space that separates your busy life from work

    When your home becomes partially your office. It is always better to have
    separate spaces for work and play in your home.
    Even if it’s a corner of your living room, family room or bedroom, arrange a
    special place for your work to become more productive and free of distraction.

    Always keep in mind that your home office should only be utilised for work and
    should be a place to focus. To gain that perfect work-life balance, avoid
    approaching the home office on the weekends, so that you can mentally split
    up how workdays and weekends feel.

    Use personal errands or activities to take breaks throughout the day

    One among the best perks of being able to work remotely is greater
    productivity. Without walking around the office, commuting or office chatter,
    you can spend your time being productive and get the work done. But
    sometimes remote work can get you lonely. It might make you feel like you
    don’t have a minute for yourself while at work.

    This is where you can use personal activities to make up your day when you
    need to take a break for some time apart from your desk or computer.
    Through this way you’ll be able to take breaks from work that are still
    productive. This will help you do your personal tasks offline like exercising,
    cooking, or relaxing, rather than rushing around to run errands the way you’d
    have to if you worked in an office.

    Don’t cancel or move any of your meetings

    Never take advantage of working from anywhere as an excuse to be less
    productive. You may get urged to change meetings so you’re able to hold
    them while you’re in the office. This will only make your next day at work more
    difficult if you compress your schedule. Rather than doing that, use video
    conferencing tools to have live meetings from home. This will help you to keep
    up with your line of duty even if you make excuses of working from home.

    There are many tips like these to build up a better work balance in your life as
    well as make your time productive.